Celebrating the start of fall (Louise’s Best Apple Butter Ever)

No question, it is fall in Georgia! There’s a chill in the air, the leaves are turning all manner of colors, co-workers are arguing over SEC football, and I’m getting cravings for comfort food.

You know what else says “fall”? Apple butter. Well, technically anything apple + cinnamon, but apple butter is definitely high up on the list.

I snagged a bag of pretty Galas at Trader Joe’s last week with apple butter in mind, but had never made it before. I browsed several recipes on Pinterest, but then my mom told me about this recipe that a friend of the family makes. My mom said it’s the best apple butter she’s ever had, so I was sold. The better part? No peeling necessary–you keep the peels on, the pectin in the peels helps it solidify.

I’ll post the recipe as I was given it at the bottom of the page, but I made one big tweak. The amount of sugar it called for seemed extreme, so I decreased it significantly. I only used just under a cup and a half of brown sugar in the whole batch, and it still turned out sweet and delicious.  [Read more…]