Basted Eggs with Shredded Brussels Sprouts — and how to baste eggs

This isn’t necessarily a “recipe” so much as a meal idea I stumbled across in the throes of overwhelming hunger desperation, to avoid yet another meal of cereal and wine.

basted eggs with brussels sprouts

I’ve already shared my love of brussels sprouts, including this delicious, easy caramelized shredded brussels sprouts (and much faster than roasting them in the oven!).

basted eggs with brussels sprouts2

So one night, I had a few brussels sprouts sitting in the fridge I knew I could make up, but that wasn’t going to cut it for dinner. So I decided to baste up some eggs for a protein kick. What was great was how the egg yolk (I like mine on the runny side) mixed in with the brussels sprouts. [Read more…]