Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake

Oh boy, I’ve been wanting to try this one for a while but the universe kept conspiring against me. Mostly by making me too full after my traditional Saturday night thai food to even think about dessert. But after our eventful snow day in Atlanta yesterday, I decided it was time for a treat.

Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake

Yet again, I didn’t prepare for the snowpocalypse. And by “snowpocalypse”, I mean 1-2 inches of snow that literally ruined Atlanta. People stranded in their cars for 20+ hours, having to abandon them on the highway and walk to safety and warmth. Parts of it enforced my lack of faith in humanity (yes, I’m looking at you, asshat who knowingly ran the red light and blocked a major intersection for 20 minutes), while others were pretty amazing (thousands of people offering up spare rooms, couches, bringing food to stranded drivers). My hour-and-a-half commute home looked like a walk in the park by comparison, and while I don’t have much food at home, I do have wine.

Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Mug Cake bite

Mug cake recipes are hit-and-miss, but this one was a winner for me. First, you can never miss with peanut butter and chocolate, and the texture was fudgy and creamy and awesome. The fact that it doesn’t use eggs is handy as well.

double chocolate peanut butter mug cake mug

It helps to start with a super cute mug. This is one of my favorites, it actually was the first mug in my somewhat-eclectic collection. Got it in Seattle at Pike’s Place Market back in college. [Read more…]