Strawberry Cornmeal Griddle Cakes

These pancakes look like Cookie Monster.

Strawberry Cornmeal Griddle Cakes

Once you see it, you can’t un-see it….

strawberry cornmeal griddle cakes strawberries closeup

Last weekend after my insane 4th of July (which involved accidentally hiking over 15 miles and burning a billion calories), I woke up the next morning feeling like an 80-year-old, kind of fell/rolled out of bed, and got my coffee made like usual. But as I sat on the couch my stomach demanded something more. After poking through Pinterest for a hot second, I had talked myself into this glorious breakfast.

Strawberry Cornmeal Griddle Cakes single

By all rights, I shouldn’t like these pancakes, because I have this weird hangup about hot and fruit. Fruit shouldn’t be hot. I take fruit crisp out of the oven and put it right in the freezer. Hot fruit is weird. But these were amazing. Fresh, summery strawberries in a golden crispy pancake, drenched in maple syrup. Practically perfect in every way. [Read more…]

Bourbon Banana Pancakes

Take *that* Jack Johnson!

I have an irrational strong dislike of Jack Johnson. But, the first Jack Johnson song I ever heard was “Banana Pancakes”, and it’s still the only one I can really stand (though still prefer not to hear). I resent that fact that Every. Single. Station. On Pandora will ultimately become a Jack Johnson and John Mayer station if you don’t fight it. Give it up, Pandora! We won’t stand for any of that nonsense here!

Banana Bourbon Pancakes

But I digress…anyway, I showed Jack Johnson who’s boss. Because these are so much more awesome than just regular banana pancakes.

Banana Bourbon Pancakes with Syrup

Saturday morning when I got up, I planned to throw together some of my famous buttermilk pancakes. I’d realized that, while I’ve posted several adaptations on that recipe, I’d never published my regular, foolproof plan for fluffy goodness. But when I got up and looked around my kitchen, my eyes fell on a pile of bananas on the verge of going bad. I just bought them a few days ago! It seems like all of my bananas are over-ripening in record time lately, so I decided I needed to make a dent in this pile and do something banana-y for breakfast.

Banana Bourbon Pancakes with Coffee

And then I remembered this recipe I bookmarked from the always-interesting A Cozy Kitchen a while back. Banana. Bourbon. Pancakes.

banana bourbon pancakes jack daniels

Good ol’ JD—staple of balanced breakfasts everywhere.

(Yes, I know Jack Daniels isn’t *technically* bourbon. So sue me.) [Read more…]